What is readyboost for dummies
What is readyboost for dummies

what is readyboost for dummies

Looking people in the eyes is the most important part of the open body language. Open body language is easy to master: look them in the eyes, don’t cross your arms or legs, don’t cover your body, and don’t hide your palms and eyes. So all together, body language and the intonation/inflection of the voice make 93% of the communication with other people! There is two sorts of body language, an open and a close one. There have been alot of studies about this, but roughly it can be stated that when people communicate, 7% relates to the importance of the words we use, 38% refers to tone of voice and inflection and a staggering 55% refers to the importance of body language/face. These examples show how broad body language really is, and how important this kind of communication is comparing it with spoken language. You stand very close to the other person, but by staring at the ceiling and avoiding eye contact, you send the signal that your not interesting in talking. And you cannot escape since you the elevator is moving and the doors are closed. You don not talk to eachother, instead you stare at the floor display or the ceiling of the elevator. We know that it is an uncomfortable situation, and usually you get an unpleasant feeling. Thats based on things like the way they walk, how they dress of how they move their body.Īnother example of bodylanguage without communicating: When you walk into an elevator with a stranger already inside. Look at yourself when you see some one walking across the street, you look at that person and already have an opinion ready, the first impression.

what is readyboost for dummies

The spoken language is something you are aware off, but body language is something you usually perform without thinking about it. But your body sends signals aswell, think of easy recognizable signals and behaviour like nodding when you agree, or scratching your head when you think of something. When you have a simple conversation with you neighbour about the weather, you communicate using your voice. Whether you realize it or not, your body sends signals to people around you. Grown ups usually know to hide or mask their bodylanguage to some extend, but children are very honest in their communication, both verbal and nonverbal.īodylanguage is a form of communication. You maybe know something about the personality of the person, and that makes it easier to place the signs of bodylanguage you come across when observing.Ĭhildren are a good start when you want to learn about body language.

what is readyboost for dummies

The longer and better you know a person, the easier it becomes to read that person. What role does some one have in a group, or how does he communicate with others? Add the bodylanguage he displays, and it will give you a far better impression then just glimping at some body and make instant suggestions considering his behaviour. And all of these fields relate, so all the knowledge you gain in a subject can help you to understand bodylanguage better. And there a re many fields where you can get information about bodylanguage, like psychology, pedagogy and phrenology. There is always something new to discover, new researches, new information and new insights. When people are in groups and communicate with each other, there is alot more to discover about the people then just the gestures they make or the way they stand or hold their arms.Īnd that is why is so much fun to learn to read bodylanguage. For people you just meet it is alot harder to understand their body language, and its much dependent on the context you meet some one in. There are so many things you can take into account when you try to read a person’s bodylanguage, like the differences between men and women. Ofcourse you can learn to read and recognize bodylanguage, but its more then just a ten point checklist! It is all about one thing: trying or learning to ‘read’ people and their behaviour. A smile is a smile and a laugh is a laugh, and it means the same in Tokio as in Washington or Berlin. Thou bodylanguage (or nonverbal communication) is used more then verbal communication and its universal, meaning the nonverbal signs used in Europe are roughly the same as the bodylanguage used in, for example, China.


In movies, series and books, but also in the dating field nonverbal communication is used on a very regular basis, but most people dont even recognize it.

what is readyboost for dummies

Filed under: Learn bodylanguage Bodylanguage, is that something i can learn?īodylanguage is a hot item nowadays.

What is readyboost for dummies